Saturday, January 29, 2011

Extreme Retouch (Restore)- Old Pictures

These took a little more time, and a little more creativity.  I love how the first image turned out, I am quite pleased with it.  The second one, however was quite a challange, as the whole image had severe damage.  At first glance it may not look perfect, but if you look it over, you can see I put a lot of time in to it to clean it up and restore it. (click to enlarge, then click again to enlarge a 2nd time)




 (Again these are family pictures, Top is my Great Grandpa again in a school picture, probably around 1925, and below are my Grandpa and his brother in 1934)

Examples of retouching: Wedding

The next 2 have been lightened, and sharpened.  The second also has distracting image in background removed:

Below is a slight retouch:

More Sharpening:

(Note- These are not my images, and I do not have the rights to them, only used for examples of photohop work.  Images are of my amazing brother and gorgeous sister-in-law on their wedding day at the Newport Beach LDS Temple.)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Creating imgages out of thin air!

(click to enlarge)

This is a scan of a slide from the 1950s, and is one of the only color photos of my Great Grandfather, so I was asked by my grandfather to make a complete picture, and this is how it turned out.   (Interestingly story: in the original slide, he was only in the background on the side, and it wasn't until my grandpa took the cardboard border off that he saw this image of his dad!  It was a fun treasure for my Grandpa to uncover.)