Saturday, January 29, 2011

Extreme Retouch (Restore)- Old Pictures

These took a little more time, and a little more creativity.  I love how the first image turned out, I am quite pleased with it.  The second one, however was quite a challange, as the whole image had severe damage.  At first glance it may not look perfect, but if you look it over, you can see I put a lot of time in to it to clean it up and restore it. (click to enlarge, then click again to enlarge a 2nd time)




 (Again these are family pictures, Top is my Great Grandpa again in a school picture, probably around 1925, and below are my Grandpa and his brother in 1934)

1 comment:

  1. Great job restoring your photos. Thanks for becoming a follower of my blog. Can't wait to see more photos!
